Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day, Birthday Party and Allergies

You are probably asking what do those 3 things have in common. Well that is what has been going on at our house this week. On labor day, we were down in Alabama for a visit with Nana and Stan. Logan tried sleeping in the big bed, but woke up around 4:45 screaming. He must have woken up realized he was in a different place and the nightlight scared him. So he spent the rest of early morning sleeping with Clyde while I slept with Connor in the other room. It was an exhausting weekend. We took Clyde's dads trailer down with us, and brought back a treadmill and a daybed. We are putting the daybed in the office and the treadmill in our bedroom. I am excited to be able to exercise at home.

This Wednesday, Sept 9th, was Clyde's grandmother's 95 birthday. I met up with Clyde and we took the boys up to Franklin to visit with her and the rest of the family at her home. Clyde's two aunts (Jeanette and Claudia) came down, along with Claudia's husband, Bill, and their daughter Shawn. Scott's brother, Scott, and his parents were also there. They had a picnic outside in the garden at the nursing home, and when we got there they were about to blow out the candles. We spent about an hour visiting with the family, while Logan and Grandpa ran around the path and bridge. We didn't stay too long, due to Grandma getting tired, but it was a nice visit overall. Here is a picture of the family with Grandma and also a final picture of the boys which I framed as her birthday gift. Happy Birthday Grandma Gies.
Grandma Geis and our family

The boys

1 comment:

  1. I am impressed that you are brave :)
    What a cute picture of Logan and Connor. Looking forward to seeing you!
