Friday, September 4, 2009

2 Months Old

It is hard to believe that Connor is already 2 months old. He had his check up last week and wow has he grown. His appointment was a week late due to his doctor being on vacation, but worked out perfectly since Clyde had the day off and stayed home with Logan. I was happy not to have to take both boys to the doctors office.

The appointment went well, Connor made an impression by not only having an explosive diaper but also peeing all over the table while he got a diaper change. The nurse laughed saying her next question was if he had a strong stream of urine. I guess he answered that question. Then it was time for the measurements. We knew he was going to be big, but were expecting him to be right around the same size as Logan, but Connor decided to pass his big brother's weight at 2 months by a whole lb.

Connor weighed in at 15 lbs 7 oz, and measured 24 3/4 inches long. This means he has grown 7 lbs and 2 1/2 inches in 2 months. Wow!! His head also grew 2 inches, so he is definitely growing. He is in the 100% for weight, 95% for height, and the 75% for head circumference. No wonder he has already outgrown his 0-3 month close and his size 1 diapers.

He finished the appointment by getting 2 shots, and one oral vaccination. He handled them pretty well, only crying during the pokes. He goes back in 2 months to get the same vaccines and another weight check.

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